We live, dream and
write about business.

Each AdviCoach in our network has dedicated their professional lives to sharing in-depth knowledge of running a successful business.
Read on, you’ll find something useful here.

  1. performance improvement

    Financials and Financial Information: Your Business and Its Success

    Last month we addressed Creating a Sales-Focused Organization, part of the Five Business Dangersseries. Continuing our exploration of the Five...

  2. performance improvement

    High Performing Sales Team: Your Business and Its Success

    Last month we addressed Sales Fundamentals and Sales Management, part of the Five Business Dangers series. Continuing our exploration of...

  3. performance improvement

    High Performing Sales for Your Business and Its Success

    Last month we addressed Sales, one of the Five Business Dangers. Now that we’ve looked at the ingredients for a...

  4. performance improvement

    Marketing Essentials for Your Business – Part Two

    Last month we discussed your company’s marketing and the fundamentals or foundation of a solid marketing plan – marketing messaging....

  5. performance improvement

    Marketing Essentials for Your Business and Its Success

    Last month we touched on two of the Five Business Dangers that create revenue generation – marketing and sales. Hopefully,...

  6. performance improvement

    Revenue Performance Improvement: Put Your Business on a Path to Success

    There are many factors that can contribute to the success or failure of a business. A crucial one is revenue...

  7. business transition planning ann arbor

    Why Planning for Unexpected Outcomes is Critical

    Your strategic plan maps your path to success, guiding you and your employees toward growth. It outlines your commitment to...

  8. Customers at a coffee house.

    Straightforward Steps to Increasing Your Positive Online Reviews

    These days, people rely on the internet when searching for businesses. Even if they hear about you offline, they’ll go...

  9. photo of woman in white shirt smiling at man in gray suit at a social gathering

    Why Speaking to Strangers is Key for Your Business Strategy

    There are a multitude of common factors that are important to your business strategy and largely impact it—such as your...

  10. photo of smiling man in yellow shirt and sewing studio writing in notebook

    Preparing to Pivot: A Guide to Keeping Your Business Nimble

    Is your small business prepared to pivot? Adaptability is key to the wellbeing and prosperity of a business—no matter the...