David Waymann helps small businesses in Dexter Michigan find the path forward.

It’s been a tough year for many business owners. Everyone is feeling the pain right now.

At AdviCoach SE Michigan, we’ve heard it all. Some of the most common complaints we’ve heard in the last months include:

“I need help.”

“I can’t see a clear pathway forward.”

“It seems my goals for the year have been buried in noise and uncertainty.”

“I don’t know if I can get back to where we left off before this pandemic hit.”

“I’m wondering if it is worth it to open up again, maybe I should just close up shop.”

“When I started my business, I had ideas about what I would gain, but now they seem so far away…, out of reach.”

Does this sound like you? While every busi­­ness owner is in a unique position, David Waymann at AdviCoach has years of experience helping small businesses in Dexter, Ann Arbor, and all of Southeast Michigan to sort through the uncertainty and find the way forward.

One of the first things a business owner will do is fill out a worksheet on the Top 5 Business Dangers. By taking time to reflect on their business and identifying its top challenges, we start a conversation about what needs to change. Ultimately, this helps us understand what is and is not working and compared to the owner’s desire, find the best way forward that fits their particular situation.

Top 5 Business Dangers

The Top 5 Business Dangers Worksheet is a valuable tool that helps business owners begin to sort through their own situation, available as a free download here!

The very personal nature of small business ownership can be a source of stress during economic hardship. You need a business coach that understands this and uses personalized solutions that meet you where you are.

The Top 5 Business Dangers Worksheet helps jump-start the conversation by giving insight into these key aspects of your business.

  • Leadership: Small business owners begin their entrepreneurial journey by being very involved in all aspects of their enterprise. However, your business must become more independent from you over its lifespan. After all, the goal is for your business to work for you—not the other way around.
  • Human Capital: Is your recruiting process attracting the right kind of employee? Do you know how to recognize, train, and retain talent? You might have good sales, but if you aren’t taking advantage of your human capital, you’re missing out on key productivity.
  • Marketing: Do you have generic marketing that’s no different from your competitors? Have you identified your unique selling propositions, and have you communicated this to your customers? By asking questions like these and more, you can begin to find your unique voice within the marketplace, and most importantly, convert your customers into brand advocates!
  • Sales: “We don’t have a numbers-driven approach to sales activity.” “We don’t have a training procedure for new salespeople.” “We have trouble forecasting our sales.” Does this sound familiar? If so, spending some time with this worksheet could be a game changer for you!
  • Finances: Do you have trouble measuring your profits? Are you in the dark about which clients are actually profitable for you? During times like these, you want to make sure that cashflow isn’t one of your problems. If it is, you may want to read a recent article on the importance of income for your business!

A Business Coach with Personal Solutions

Change can often feel overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know where to begin, and it feels like you have to change everything at once, or nothing at all. This all can be very noisy to sort through.

Business owners just like you have been helped by the Top 5 Business Dangers worksheet. With resources like this, we can narrow down the complexity and find the areas to prioritize.

If the last couple months have left you feeling lost, spend some time honestly answering the questions and see where it leads.

AdviCoach of SE Michigan has been serving small business owners like you in Dexter, MI and the surrounding area for years. If you think you could benefit from an understanding and experienced business coach, contact David Waymann today!