David Waymann has been a business coach in Ann Arbor, Dexter and Southeast Michigan for years.

One thing he’s noticed in that time is the surprising amount of confusion about what business coaches actually do.

This is unfortunate, because many business owners could benefit from coaching, but only know about consultants, are embarrassed to ask for help, or might not even know what their options are.

So, let’s go over what business coaching really is, what it isn’t, and what a real story of successful business coaching looks like!

David Waymann is a business coach in Ann Arbor

What Business Coaching Is

Business coaching is fundamentally about developing you, the owner of your business. In many ways, it’s like earning a master’s degree in running your specific business. A coach will help you move out of your comfort zone.

Of course, this can take many forms based on your situation, but the end goal is always to transform you into a more successful owner that has the skills needed to meet any challenge in the future.

This often involves digging into some deeper questions—what’s motivating you? What’s holding you back? What support do you have, and what would you need to achieve to consider yourself successful?

Along the way, we’ll work on learning what you need to answer these questions and start implementing lasting, transformative change.

Business coaching isn’t about quick fixes or cookie-cutter solutions. It takes a willingness to answer these hard questions, and the drive to change them.

What Business Coaching Isn’t

With a business consultant, you are paying an expert to provide a solution for the problem you have. You are paying for a set of skills and a solution they recommend for your situation, but you may not be addressing more fundamental problems.

Once they’ve made their recommendation, you are often left to your own devices to run with their solution. In contrast, a coach will continue working with you to ensure that whatever plan is put into action is successful. They will help you consider adjustments and refinements that can greatly impact success.

In reality, the difference between a coach and consultant isn’t completely black and white. Some aspects will be a little blurry, but these are some key differences to keep in mind when deciding what kind of help you need.

A Real Story from an Ann Arbor Business Owner

So, what does a business coaching relationship really look like?

Here’s what a former AdviCoach client had to say. He was a local business owner in the Ann Arbor and Dexter area and was looking for some help with an established but struggling business:

“From the very first meeting, David acted like a partner in my business. He asked probing questions about my business, receiving my answers without judgment, and demonstrated a true desire to understand how my business was operating. He was prepared and engaged for every coaching session. He made sure we made progress each week, driving the process both during our meetings and afterwards with email correspondence and follow up phone calls as required.”

During this process, the meetings were streamlined by using prepared forms that have been refined through the years. Nothing in the business coaching process is ever “pre-fabricated,” but using these resources allows the coach and client to quickly get on the same page and begin tailoring strategies to the business.

After a few weeks of working together, a custom strategic plan to achieve the client’s goals had been drafted. The next period of time (typically 12 months or more) was about executing his specific plan. He was left with the tools he needed to monitor his business beyond the coaching relationship. At the end, he knew what his goals were, how to achieve them, and what to do when he encountered obstacles in the future.

A Business Coach for Your Ann Arbor Business

In the day-to-day operation of a small business, it’s easy to become short sighted. You begin to take for granted that the way things are is the way they have to be, or always will be.

It often takes an experienced outsider to remind us that we really can change things for the better.

As a business coach in the Ann Arbor area, David Waymann has helped many local Michigan business owners align their businesses for success. If you’re not happy with how your business is doing, coaching can be a great option.

Call 734-726-5208 to find out more and set up your free business review!