“It’s time to pivot — and it’s the moment many entrepreneurs resist.” 

NYTimes – https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/06/business/entrepreneurs-pivot.html


But how do we know it’s time? 

For me, I think the right time is when I have a sleepless night.

And how do we know where to pivot to?

How do we balance data, analysis, intuition, and agility?

And why do we resist? 

Sometimes I “know” what to do to improve my business, but don’t do it. Sometimes I keep doing the same thing and don’t change. Sometimes I need someone with an outside perspective to challenge my assumptions. I need someone to help me translate general principles into specific steps that I will take in my own business life. I’ve been there. Many times.

What are you going to do?


For Entrepreneurs, a Tough Moment: The Pivot

It’s the moment many entrepreneurs hit eventually, no matter how much funding they have raised and burned through, no matter how many 100-hour weeks they and their teams have put in, no matter how brilliant their initial idea.