• Man and woman looking confrontational in office.

Before we get into advice on how to improve your communication skills, let’s take note of why your ability to communicate is vital to your success.

Why Communication Skills Matter

Communication makes a difference in three important areas of your business:

Productivity. Communication skills are key to working more efficiently with co-workers and partners. This increases productivity, since people don’t have to do things over because they misunderstood what was to be done.

Growth. Your ability to persuade prospects to become clients starts and ends with your communication skills. Whether the message that closes the deal is about lower cost, higher quality, quicker delivery, or anything else, you need to know your prospect’s key needs and then be able to communicate how you will meet them.

Client Satisfaction. To do the best possible job satisfying clients, you need good communications, both ways. In other words, you need to understand each other. When satisfaction with your work is high, clients will refer you to others, as well as hire you again themselves, growing your business even more.

What to Focus on

Always keep the goal in mind. It’s natural to think about what you want to say. Instead, focus on what you want the other person to hear. If you think about it, that’s really the goal of your communication.

Actively listen to what the other person is saying. Whether the dialogue is with a co-worker, prospect, or client, it’s important to find out what they want and need. To do that, you have to actively listen to them. Today, people tend to go at a fast pace, so they make assumptions and rush the conversation. Instead, listen closely to what the other person is saying, tell them what you’ve heard to make sure you it’s what they wanted to communicate, and only then respond to them.

Also figure out what’s not being said. People will leave out important details for different reasons. They might feel that what they were going to tell you will make them look bad. They may assume you don’t need to know a particular detail. Or they just may forget to relate something small. Always make sure the person you’re working with has communicated everything you need to know. If you suspect they haven’t, gently inquire about anything you feel they might have left out.

Dial up your persuasiveness. That doesn’t mean you need to be more “pushy.” Being pushy isn’t being more persuasive, it’s being more aggressive, and that rarely works out in your favor. Being persuasive is being able to influence others to do what’s in their best interest (and yours). But forget about how what you’re proposing to someone will be a win for you—focus instead on how it will be a big win for them!

Be decisive. Don’t be hesitant or vague when offering an idea or proposing a solution. If you keep beating around the bush, you’re not making the most of the opportunity. Simply say what you have to say confidently and decisively.

Increase your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient, or EQ) is the measure of your ability to identify, manage, and use your emotions in positive ways. Managing your emotions is key to communicating effectively, building better relationships, and achieving success. If your emotions become out of control, the communication generally ends. So, focus on knowing how you’re feeling, managing your emotions, and using your positive feelings to propel you to your goals. All that will help you relieve stress, meet challenges, and resolve conflicts in wonderfully effective ways. Click here for ways to improve your EQ.

Stay resilient in the face of rejection. One of the most important communication skills is being able to respond with grace when things don’t go your way. If something you propose is turned down, keep a positive demeanor. Don’t ever take rejection personally, and thank the other person for listening. When you have a moment, think about what you’ve learned from the rejection—you’ll experience fewer of them in the future.

And remember, your AdviCoach is ready to help you use your communication skills to take your success to the next level.