• Father and son with a cow

The answers to these four questions can bring you your most successful year ever.

What goals am I setting for 2023?

Your goals are what give purpose to your year, and purpose is what will inspire you when the going gets tough. In setting goals, it’s important to thoroughly consider what a goal means to you and to make each goal as specific as you can.

Be sure the goal is something that will motivate you to do your best. Does it get you excited and spur you to action? If it doesn’t, keep searching for a bigger, more specific goal. Always look at the essence of a goal and make sure it immediately sparks a fire inside you.

What new things will I have to put in place to reach my goals?

To reach the goals you’ve set, what has to change? Will you need to put in place new systems, processes, or routines? Do you need to develop new skills? How will you make these changes? Do you need to learn new disciplines, or adopt a new mindset? How will you accomplish those things? Stay motivated by keeping in mind that what got you here may not get you where you want to go.

What old baggage will I have to ditch?

To boost your success, you need to get rid of the things that have been holding you back. This demands some serious self-analysis. What old habits, beliefs, or practices have been limiting your success? People tend to do things just because “that’s how we’ve always done them.” It’s usually necessary to clear out old habits in order to make room for new growth. Ask yourself:

  • Are there ideas you’re holding onto that are stunting your progress?
  • Do you harbor beliefs that are no longer producing results?
  • Is your mindset flexible enough to take advantage of unexpected new challenges and opportunities?
  • Are you using systems that haven’t kept up with your needs today?
  • Are you bogged down in processes that are no longer useful?
  • Have you acquired bad habits you need to abandon?

Wipe the slate clean of all these things and replace the harmful habits with helpful ones.

How will I keep myself accountable?

To reach your goals in 2023, it’s vital to hold yourself accountable. The way to do this is to share your goals with others. When you keep them to yourself, it’s easy to ignore them. Instead, do one or all of the following:

  • Write down your 2023 goals, print them out, and post them by your workspace;
  • Create and post a vision board with pictures and words cut out from magazines that represent your goals and inspire you to reach them;
  • Share your goals with family and friends;

Talk about your goals with your AdviCoach business coach, who can help you formulate them to begin with, as well as show you how to break old habits and develop the new ones you’ll need to make 2023 your most successful year ever!