I was at multiple networking events this week and in multiple meetings we began talking about planning for the exit of your business. The conversations included an estate planning attorney, an investment professional, a planned benefits provider and multiple small business owners.

We took an informal poll. The question was – when looking at the unintentional exit from business, the  5 D’s, (divorce, disability, disagreement with partner, disaster, and death), which is the most common of these that are not planned for? Do you have an opinion?

Thru our informal poll we determined that the most common unplanned for was “death”. When we have talked with clients or potential clients – we have asked why would you not plan for your death? Do you care about your family? The answers were many and varied, but if you do, why would you leave them to deal with the business and any issues that will arise? Isn’t it time to plan today?

Do you have an opinion as to why business owners do not have a plan in their business if something was to happen to them? We do want to hear from You. What would you ask a business owner such that they may want to have a plan in place?

Attached is an article about the Four D’s (I have 5), this is an interesting read. READ Me