We all have great ideas but not all of us execute on them. Whether it’s making changes in an existing business, transitioning from working for someone else to working for yourself, or adding a second business that you are excited about, business owners and entrepreneurs can get stuck. We often struggle to get started and stay focused. We may set goals and define the actions needed to achieve them, but somehow, we never quite seem to launch. The key to getting past our potential “failure to launch” is planning and focus; we want to move past ideas to action.


Define Your Goals: The first step in overcoming a failure to launch is to define your goals. What is you “Why”- what is inspiring you about this idea? What do you want to accomplish? What are your long-term and short-term objectives? Write them down and make them specific and measurable. Instead of vaguely saying you want to “improve sales,” be clear about what you mean, such as “increase sales by 10% in the next quarter.”


Break Down Your Goals: Breaking down your goals into smaller, actionable steps makes them less overwhelming and more achievable. Create a timeline of what you need to accomplish by when. Set realistic timelines and deadlines and work towards them consistently. Celebrate a milestone or small victories along the way to stay motivated. Click for a downloadable White Paper on creating SMART Goals.


Get an Accountability Partner: One of the most effective ways to make progress and stay focused is to have someone hold you accountable. Choose someone you trust, who understands your goals and is committed to helping you achieve them. Schedule regular check-ins with your accountability partner to discuss your progress and any obstacles you may be facing. A business coach can help you stay focused and on track by providing objective feedback and guidance. They bring a fresh perspective to your ideas and can help clarify your goals and strategy. Even if you’re an experienced businessperson, a coach can help you grow your business in ways you might not expect.


Hang Out With the Right People: The people we choose to surround ourselves with will eventually shape the way we think, behave, and feel on a daily basis. Share your goals and plans with others who can provide support and encouragement. Join a mastermind group or a business networking community to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can keep you accountable and motivated.


Failure to launch is a common problem for many business owners, but it doesn’t have to be. By defining your goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and working with accountability partners, coaches, and peer groups, you can move past ideas to action. Remember to celebrate small victories and keep a positive attitude. Sometimes the hardest part is getting started, but with a little help from others, you can turn your dreams into reality.