Having a bad day or a bad week? As business owners, we all have them from time to time. Sometimes we are not hitting on all cylinders, projects or sales are not trending the way we would like, and sometimes it is self-doubt creeping in.

We all have moments when we second-guess ourselves- the decisions we have made, including whether or not we should be business owners! Self-doubt is a normal response to the challenges we face but it doesn’t need to stop you from achieving your goals.

Here are 6 tips on how to overcome self-doubt and how to re-channel your thinking into more positive and productive directions.

  1. You are not alone

Everyone has doubts! Know that you are not the only one that has bouts of lack of confidence, and everyone is in the same place you are at some point in time.

  1. Stop worrying about what other people think and comparing yourself

If you are spending time and energy comparing yourself to others you will be stuck feeling inadequate. There is always someone doing better than you are (and worse!). And unless these people are close personal friends, how do you really know what they are accomplishing? Social media is skewed toward the positive and is not going to give you a realistic point of view into anyone else’s business or life. Do not use others as your benchmark. Set your own goals and measure your own performance.

  1. Focus on the positive

Pay more attention to the positive feedback than the negative input. I keep a “good for me” email file with positive feedback to refer to on tough days. Try to remember the accomplishments, even small ones, and actively choose to look at things in a positive way. And remember, some things are out of your control.

  1. Break the negative thought loop

If you find yourself getting caught up in negative head trash- “I can’t do this”, “I’m going to fail”- try to break the cycle by taking a break. Talk a walk, work on another project, or get some exercise. Experiment and find the technique that works best for you. This article as some more tips on how to end the negative head talk: Article

  1. Set smaller, short term goals

Breaking your long-term goals into more immediate milestones will help you have a sense of accomplishment along the way. The smaller, frequent wins will help reinforce your progress.

  1. Forgive yourself

Cut yourself some slack. Not all days are productive. Not all projects work out the way we want. Sometimes life interferes with our plans. Give yourself permission to move on and don’t beat yourself up.